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News, Safety & Security

Industry insider urges drivers to be aware of cargo theft with holiday approaching

With the holiday approaching, one industry insider is warning drivers about a spike in cargo theft. What you can do to avoid being a target.

News, State

Idling time limit for cars and trucks topic of New Jersey bill

A bill introduced at the New Jersey statehouse would revise the time limit for idling of many cars and trucks in the state.

Fuel prices, News

National diesel average nearly 2 cents lower

The national diesel average is 1.8 cents lower than last week, according to the Nov. 21 report. AAA also reported a decrease.

Federal, News

CVSA’s personal conveyance petition lacks data, FMCSA says

If the CVSA wants to limit a truck driver’s use of personal conveyance, FMCSA says it must first provide data of negative safety outcomes.

News, State

Pennsylvania bill covers fuel tax transparency

A Pennsylvania Senate bill is touted to address fuel tax transparency in the state that claims the highest tax rates nationally.


California greenhouse gas emissions in transport sector down sharply

The transportation sector showed the largest decline in greenhouse gas emissions in California, but there is a caveat.

Federal, News

Feds seek public input on hazmat technologies

With changes looming for the trucking industry, a federal agency seeks public input on hazmat technologies and R&D efforts.


Port of Long Beach opens charging station for heavy-duty electric trucks

The Port of Long Beach announced the opening of what it calls nation’s first public charging stations for heavy-duty electric trucks.

Business, News

Chemical transport company Quantix buys five carriers’ assets

Quantix, a Texas chemical transport company, continues to add to its fleet through acquisitions, now grabbing the assets of five carriers.

Crime & Courts, News

Related Houston motor carriers ordered out of service

Two related Houston motor carriers have been ordered to halt operations for violations including driver licensing, drug testing and hours.