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October 2020
Tyson Fisher
OOIDA goes to bat for truck drivers during the 2020 Truck Safety Summit, encouraging measures that value drivers and actual driver training.
By Mark Schremmer | October 2020
As of press time in mid-September, the FMCSA was moving full steam ahead toward enacting its new hours-of-service rules on Sept. 29.
James “Wiley” Deck assumed leadership of the FMCSA on Aug. 31, becoming the third person to direct the agency in less than a year.
FMCSA seeks comments on pilot program for HOS provision.
Tyson Fisher joined Land Line Magazine in March 2014. An award-winning journalist and tireless researcher, his news reports, features and blogs bring depth to our editorial content, backed with solid detail. Tyson is a lifelong Kansas Citian.
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