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News, State

Winter weather, supply issues spur emergency declarations

Severe winter weather and ongoing supply issues were cited by a number of states that have recently enacted emergency declarations.

News, OOIDA, State

OOIDA: Virginia left lane restriction for trucks a ‘bad idea’

Following a recent winter storm in Virginia, a bill in the works would prohibit trucks from using the left lane during bad weather.

News, OOIDA, State

Washington Trucking Associations, OOIDA, ATA back parking, restroom access bills

Bills in Washington state to aid truck parking, restroom access backed by Washington Trucking Associations, OOIDA, and ATA.

News, State, Tolls

I-4 Express lanes in Florida to open soon

With a launch date of early 2022, I-4 Express lanes will be available to certain motorists for a fee. Trucks, however, are prohibited.

Coronavirus, Crime & Courts, Federal, News

U.S. Supreme Court rejects OSHA vaccine rule

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration overstepped with its COVID-19 vaccine rule, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled.


Commercial driver pilot program a hot topic on ‘Live From Exit 24’

Recap of the latest edition of “Live From Exit 24” – fast-tracking the commercial driver pilot program, boosting pay for drivers, and more.

Federal, News, OOIDA

OOIDA on pilot program: Younger drivers crash more

OOIDA didn’t mince words in its comments about FMCSA’s moves toward an apprenticeship pilot program for under-21 drivers.

News, State, Tolls

Mobile River Bridge project abandons truck-only toll

The controversial Mobile River Truck Bridge will be the Mobile River Bridge now that the Alabama DOT is backing a plan that tolls everyone.


The OOIDA tour trailer pulls into El Paso, Texas

Marty Ellis and the OOIDA tour trailer next stop at the El Paso, Texas, Petro, which has special significance to truck driving history.

News, State

Indiana looks at ticket cameras, reckless driving, cable barriers

Road safety efforts at the Indiana statehouse target ticket cameras along certain stretches of roadway, excessive speeding, and cable barriers.