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‘Live From Exit 24’ recap: Breaking up congressional gridlock

Congressional gridlock and a trucking issue that should generate bipartisan support were the focus of this episode of ‘Live From Exit 24.

News, State

Wisconsin DMV reminds motor carriers to file Form 2290 before plate renewal

Wisconsin wants motor carriers to remember: Due to COVID-19, plate renewals must be done via mail and require an IRS Form 2290.

Federal, News

FMCSA’s HOS ag rule clears White House review

FMCSA’s interim final rule regarding hours of service for transportation of agricultural commodities has cleared the White House.

News, State

Massachusetts governor renews pursuit of tougher truck rules

A bill introduced by the Massachusetts governor would implement changes in statute to address concerns about truck safety.

Business, Products & Services

Freight volume eases, but reefer rates rise, DAT reports

Freight volume and load posts were easing last week after companies had built up inventories in September and October, DAT reports.

Coronavirus, News, Safety & Security

Can COVID ‘mobile morgues’ be used as trailers again?

Can refrigerated trailers that have been used as COVID-19 “mobile morgues” be used to transport food again after storing human remains?

Crime & Courts, News

Ninth Circuit hears oral arguments on California break law preemption

The Ninth Circuit heard oral arguments over whether or not the FMCSA had the authority to preempt California’s break laws.

News, State

Michigan urges ‘vigilance’ after dead spotted lanternfly cases identified

Freight carriers, warehouse workers and delivery drivers should be on the lookout for spotted lanternfly in Michigan, the state warns.


PennDOT approved to install tolls on major bridges

PennDOT received approval to consider tolls for its Major Bridge P3 project, potentially costing motorists more money to drive in the state.

Crime & Courts

Coca-Cola escapes six-figure jury award increase in crash case

A New York state appeals court has taken Coca-Cola off the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in a truck crash lawsuit.