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News, Safety & Security

Pilferage, full truckload remain most common types of cargo thefts

The latest report on cargo thefts in the U.S. shows average loss values were down but certain types of theft incidents are on the rise.


September cross-border freight closer to pre-pandemic levels

Cross-border freight increased for the fourth consecutive month, moving total freight value closer out of the hole created by the pandemic.


OOIDA’s tour trailer rolls into Oklahoma City, Okla.

OOIDA’s tour trailer heads to Oklahoma City, where skipper Jon Osburn looks forward to discussing what drivers are seeing on the road.

Business, Equipment

International next-gen HX has more comfort, strength

The new International HX is built for heavy construction work. The truck maker is looking to grab more of the vocational-truck market.

News, Safety & Security

Study: The more you automate driving, the less drivers focus

A new study shows that once advanced automation features are introduced, drivers begin to shift attention away from operating the vehicle.

Federal, News, OOIDA

FMCSA updates ag definitions for hours of service

FMCSA revealed its interim final rule aimed at clarifying agricultural definitions in the hours-of-service regulations.

News, State

Pennsylvania bill would implement electric-powered trucks rule, vehicle fee

A Pennsylvania bill continues to move forward at the statehouse to adopt an electric-powered trucks rule, and vehicle fee.


Researcher highlights widespread implications of COVID-19 and trucking

Dr. Michael Lemke’s research on long-haul truckers and COVID-19 draws from his experience as a former trucker driver himself.


OOIDA submits comments on Transportation Intermediaries Association’s petition

OOIDA has submitted comments on the Transportation Intermediaries Association’s petition calling for the elimination of transparency rules.


CVSA seeks exceptional driver nominees for IDEA honor

The agency that brings the trucking industry the annual Roadcheck inspection blitz wants driver nominees for its IDEA honor and $2,500.