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News, State

Indiana, Massachusetts expected to joint list of states to provide tax rebates

Tax rebates to provide relief from higher costs for goods and services continue to be pursued in states around the country.

Driver Fitness, News

Vision exemptions – navigating the alternative vision standard

Seeking a vision exemption? A step-by-step guide for drivers looking to obtain a vision exemption under FMCSA’s new alternative vision standard.

News, State

Minnesota enacts emergency fuel order

Low fuel inventories and a nearby refinery closures resulted in Minnesota issuing an emergency order providing relief for fuel haulers.

Business, News

KLLM Transport acquires Quest Global

KLLM Transport Services has acquired Georgia refrigerated carrier Quest Global. The acquired company becomes KLLM Expedited Services.

Federal, News, OOIDA, Truck Parking

Truck parking bill clears hurdle; House floor next

The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act cleared a major hurdle in Congress, inching it closer to the finish line.

News, State, Tolls

New Pennsylvania law thwarts toll bridge plan

A revision to Pennsylvania statute signed into law halts a public-private partnership plan to impose new tolls on existing bridges.

Federal, News

Emergency declaration raises questions about increased HOS flexibility

Will FMCSA’s emergency declaration open the door to more flexibility within the hours-of-service regulations?

Federal, News

FedEx loses appeal regarding shipments sensitive to national security

In a case of “know what you’re hauling,” FedEx has been dinged half a million dollars for shipments dealing with national security.

Federal, News

Speed limiter proposal incites nearly 16,000 comments

The public comment period regarding FMCSA’s proposal to require speed limiters on most heavy-duty trucks ended.

News, State

Brent Spence Bridge Corridor Project just got smaller

The Brent Spence Bridge project is still moving forward, but new plans gives the bridge a smaller footprint than previously designed.