Diesel down in all regions, ProMiles says

October 17, 2023

SJ Munoz


Diesel prices are down across the board, according to the ProMiles.com report released Monday, Oct. 16.

The national average of $4.437 per gallon is 6.5 cents lower than a week ago.

ProMiles produces a report that is similar to one published weekly by the federal Energy Information Administration. A key difference between the two reports is the type and number of fueling stations used to calculate averages. While ProMiles uses its direct feed from thousands of truck stops to develop its averages, EIA surveys 400 truck stops and convenience stores nationwide. Like ProMiles, EIA gives the average price of diesel for the previous week.

A drop of 9 cents in the West Coast without California region was the most significant decline reported this week by region.

The Gulf Coast and California regions were down by 8 cents, while the Lower Atlantic and Rocky Mountain regions each reported a decline of 7.8 cents. Down between 6 and 7 cents were the West Coast, Midwest and East Coast regions.

With a price per gallon of $4.116, the Gulf Coast region reported the lowest average of any region this week. The highest price per gallon was $6.277 in the California region.

The average U.S. price for a gallon of diesel on Monday, Oct. 16 as reported by ProMiles.com:

  • U.S. – $4.437, down 6.5 cents
  • East Coast – $4.421, down 6 cents
  • New England – $4.54, down 2.7 cents
  • Central Atlantic – $4.642, down 3.9 cents
  • Lower Atlantic – $4.277, down 7.8 cents
  • Midwest – $4.257, down 6.4 cents
  • Gulf Coast – $4.116, down 8 cents
  • Rocky Mountain – $4.542, down 7.8 cents
  • West Coast – $5.697, down 6.5 cents
  • West Coast without California – $5.013, down 9 cents
  • California – $6.277, down 8 cents

Click here to view ProMiles fuel data averaged by state.

AAA reported the retail average U.S. price per gallon of diesel at $4.456 on Monday, Oct. 16. A week ago, the average retail U.S. price was $4.506 per gallon.

A month ago, AAA reported $4.571 per gallon of diesel, and a year ago $5.284 per gallon. The highest recorded retail average U.S. diesel price was $5.816 per gallon on June 19, 2022.

EIA’s Monday, Oct. 16 report showed the national price per gallon for diesel decreased by 5.4 cents to $4.444.

That national average for this past week was 89.5 cents less than it was one year ago.

Regionally, the lowest decrease came in the West Coast less California region, where the price is 8.3 cents lower than last week.

The West Coast and Midwest regions were down by more than 7 cents each, and the Lower Atlantic and California regions each dropped by just under 6 cents.

The Gulf Coast region had the lowest average price reported, at $4.114 per gallon, while the most expensive gallon of diesel was in the California region, at $6.119.

The average U.S. price for a gallon of diesel on Monday, Oct. 16 as reported by EIA:

  • U.S. – $4.444, down 5.4 cents
  • East Coast – $4.404, down 5.4 cents
  • New England – $4.557, down 2 cents
  • Central Atlantic – $ 4.672, down 4.9 cents
  • Lower Atlantic – $4.29, down 5.9 cents
  • Midwest – $4.304, down 7.2 cents
  • Gulf Coast – $4.114, down 2.5 cents
  • Rocky Mountain – $4.664, down 5.3 cents
  • West Coast – $5.528, down 7.2 cents
  • West Coast less California – $5.01, down 8.3 cents
  • California – $6.119, down 5.9 cents LL

Last week’s fuel report is here.