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Safety & Security

Breaking down CVSA’s Roadcheck 2019 results

The numbers from CVSA’s Roadcheck 2019 are in, and more than 17% of the 67,000 vehicles inspected were ordered out-of-service.

News, Truck Shows

Charity raises more than $20,000 for truckers in need

Since 2007, St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund has provided more than $2.7 million to truckers in need. More than $20,000 was raised for the fund at GATS.

Fuel prices

Diesel prices continue to slide for another week

The average price for diesel fuel again decreased from a week ago, although for some regions only small decreases or no change has been recorded.

Today's Show

‘Can you clean up my driving record?’

On air at 7 p.m., Online at 8 p.m. ET –  We’ll hear some of the most frequently asked questions the team at Road Law receives.

News, State

Alabama CDL trainer and Georgia examiner busted on fraud charges

A CDL training academy owner has been indicted for his role in falsifying DOT exams, while a CDL examiner pleaded guilty for his role in the scheme.


FMCSA fills in details on second hours-of-service listening session

In September, truckers will have another opportunity to provide their input on hours of service to FMCSA leaders at a listening session in Washington, D.C.


Dorian projected to hit Florida on Labor Day as major hurricane

In terms of road funding, the latest case of the self-inflicted wound is in Pennsylvania, where enormous amounts of highway money go anywhere but highways.

News, State

The Parking Zone – August 2019

Land Line’s oundup of the latest truck parking-related issues across the United States, ranging from proposed legislation to new truck stops.


New Texas law should shorten port of entry wait times

A new law in Texas addresses increases in trade traffic along the Texas-Mexico border. The new law aims to aid perishable loads crossing into South Texas.


Maine Legislature adds bond question to fall ballot

Maine voters get to decide whether or not to support Maine DOT’s work plan with a question on the fall ballot.