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Crime & Courts

K&B Transportation must face crash lawsuit, appellate court rules

K&B Transportation must show that one of its truckers was driving a safe speed in winter conditions after crashing into a SUV that spun out of control.

Business, Products & Services

Van, reefer spot rates on MembersEdge near two-year highs

Until this year, who had heard of spot van and reefer rates being so strong? DAT Solutions is seeing rates tracking well above seasonal norms.


Tolling on C-470 express lanes in Colorado begins

Tolling on C-470 near Denver has begun. Although passenger vehicles can pay as much as $13.72 for a one-way trip, truckers will have to tack on another $75.


FMCSA seeks comments for OOIDA’s broker transparency petition

Exactly three months after OOIDA filed a petition for rulemaking for more transparency in broker transactions, FMCSA is seeking comments on that petition.

Federal, News

FMCSA’s plan to study effective safety endeavors open to public comment

The public will have until Sept. 17 to comment on FMCSA’s plans to study the effectiveness of motor carriers’ safety technologies and programs.


Truck to Success course includes advice on getting your own authority

OOIDA’s Truck to Success course, on Oct. 26-28, is for drivers becoming owner-operators. Getting your own authority is one of the course topics.

Features, OOIDA Member, Truck Shows

‘Hell, yes, I have an ulterior motive. It’s the children.’

Jerry Kissinger continues a tradition of giving that he and his wife, Kay, began. He honors her memory and his promise to not forget the Make-A-Wish kids.

Elections, News, State

Ahead of fall election, absentee voting changes continue

Concern about voters safely being able to fill out and submit ballots for the fall election has spurred states all over the map to simplify absentee voting.

Fuel prices

Diesel prices show nearly no change from a week ago

While in most regions in the U.S. the average diesel prices nudged down, in none was the price swing more than a fraction of a cent, says a federal report.

Coronavirus, Federal, News

FEMA grant offering $300 weekly payout for lost wages begins in some states

Seven states will offer up to an additional $300 per week for those who lost wages or are unemployed due to COVID-19, courtesy of a FEMA grant program.