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The broker-carrier relationship

A number of issues impacting brokers and carriers were covered on the latest “Live From Exit 24” with Ken Lund of Allen Lund Co.


Bid to benefit Truckers Against Trafficking

An auction of an “Everyday Heroes” Kenworth T680 will be held in December with the proceeds going directly to Truckers Against Trafficking.

News, State

Port of Seattle accelerates zero emission goal by a decade

Turning to a more aggressive plan, the Port of Seattle Commission has agreed to move its net-zero emissions goal from 2050 to 2040.

Elections, News, State

Virginia, New Jersey voters decide on state offices

Voters in Virginia and New Jersey this week cast ballots for fall elections. Voters there decided on governorships and state legislative seats.

Elections, News, State

Voters in seven states decide on transportation initiatives

Voters around the country had their say Nov. 2 on transportation initiatives at the local, county and statewide levels of government.

Federal, News, OOIDA

National Consumer Complaint Database needs overhaul, OOIDA says

In its current form, the National Consumer Complaint Database is a poorly named and “toothless” outlet for drivers to report violations, OOIDA says.

News, State

Idaho to start licensing hauling hemp cargos, production

Two years after truck drivers entered plea agreements for hauling hemp cargos across Idaho, the state now licenses hauling and production.


This port driver gets the ‘shipping crisis’

The shipping crisis at U.S. ports isn’t because of a driver shortage, and it’s nice to see this experienced driver explain what’s going on.

News, State

Pennsylvania Senate endorses truck weigh system bill

The Pennsylvania Senate has approved a bill that would authorize a truck weigh station bypass system. A separate bill also covers truck weights.

News, State, Tolls

Broening Highway truck tolls in Maryland, explained

A report submitted to state lawmakers explains why trucks are tolled on Broening Highway despite never crossing the Francis Scott Key Bridge.