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News, State

States take steps to end ticket quotas

State legislators in at least a half dozen statehouses are weighing bills to eliminate or curtail policing for profit via ticket quotas.

Business, Equipment

New truck sales flat, masking the true story

Flat commercial truck sales data don’t tell the whole story, says analyst firm ACT Research. There’s a backlog that isn’t showing up.

News, Safety & Security

Traffic deaths up in 2020, down for large trucks

Vehicle crash data suggest that while passenger vehicle motorists were driving like a bat out of hell in 2020, truckers kept calm and carried on.

Crime & Courts, News

Former employees accuse trucking company of ‘horrific’ chemical exposure

In a recently filed lawsuit, Trimac Transportation is being accused of knowingly exposing workers to toxic chemicals, some of whom have died.

Federal, News

Potential truck parking funding avenues discussed at hearing

Sen. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., highlighted the truck parking crisis for U.S. DOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg during an infrastructure hearing.

News, Truck Shows

Make-A-Wish convoy returns to full strength

Make-A-Wish Philadelphia, Delaware and Susquehanna Valley plans its 33rd annual Mother’s Day Truck Convoy to help critically sick kids.

News, State

Action on ticket cameras pursued in 15 states

Ticket cameras are a topic in at least 15 statehouses as legislators discuss rule changes to the revenue generating devices.

OOIDA, Truck Shows

Sunny Florida calls the driver of the OOIDA tour trailer

First the OOIDA tour trailer heads to Florida and then 2022’s first show and driving contest in Atlanta. Driver Marty Ellis says stop by.

Business, News

Daimler Truck, AB Volvo sever Russian business ties

Daimler Truck, along with AB Volvo, have slammed the brakes on business in Russia while international sanctions are being imposed.

Coronavirus, News

Attorneys urge truckers to weigh concerns before joining vaccine protests

As multiple convoys protesting vaccine and mask mandates head to D.C., what possible legal and financial concerns face drivers who participate?