OOIDA tour trailer heads to New Mexico

January 12, 2023

Chuck Robinson


From north Texas in the panhandle, Marty Ellis has hauled the OOIDA tour trailer to Deming, N.M., which is close to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Ellis and the Spirit of the American Trucker tour trailer are at the Deming Petro through Saturday, Jan. 14.

The Deming Petro is at Exit 68 from I-10. It is 60 miles west of Las Cruces, N.M. Deming is 35 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Deming Petro has parking for 150 tractor-trailers. There’s an Iron Skillet restaurant there.

Deming was part of the 1852 purchase of land from Mexico to provide a southern railroad route to connect California to the eastern U.S. Incorporated in 1881, the city’s name was the maiden name of an important railroad executive, Mary Ann Deming Crocker, wife of Charles Crocker. He founded the Central Pacific Railroad, which built the western part of the first transcontinental railroad.

Dangers of winter weather

Ellis also talks about what he sees on the road and hears from drivers during regular Friday broadcast segments on Land Line Now. Last Friday, Ellis relayed some stark reminders of the dangers of cold weather after seeing the remnants of collisions on I-44 in southern Missouri.

Listen to the program here.

You can listen to the broadcasts via SiriusXM Channel 146 or listen to them via the Bulldog smartphone app.

Stop by when you see The Spirit

If you see the OOIDA tour trailer, stop by and say hello. Ellis looks forward to visiting about the Association’s activities and current issues. There are copies of Land Line Magazine to pick up there. You can join or renew your membership on the special celebrating OOIDA’s 50th anniversary. You can use the two years for $50 special as many times as you like. That’s $40 off the price for two years.

After Deming, Ellis plans to stop in Texas in El Paso, and then San Antonio

He is scheduled Monday through Wednesday, Jan. 16-18, to have the OOIDA tour trailer at the El Paso Petro.  It is at I-10 and Horizon Boulevard, Exit 37.

Here is the schedule for The Spirit. LL