T&I Committee really didn’t think this through

September 11, 2023

Jami Jones






I could go on and on and on. But I think you get the picture that I’m irked. With what, you are probably asking.

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit.

This week is National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. The one week set aside each year for businesses, the public and possibly even … politicians … to heap on praise and appreciation, maybe with some free goodies. And while the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association certainly appreciates truckers and fights for them 365 days a year, it’s nice to celebrate this week and make sure all truckers feel extra appreciated, even if it’s just for one week.

But do you know what the bone-headed leadership of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and Highways and Transit Subcommittee decided to do this week?

Well, they are not hosting a cookout on the National Mall. They are not handing out goody bags at inspection stations around the country. They are not passing legislation to ensure restroom access or to prevent the dangerous speed limiter mandate.

Nope. None of that.

Instead, they are holding a hearing on autonomous trucks. You know, the trucks designed to eliminate the need for truck drivers.

I mean, did no one involved in the date selection for the hearing look at a calendar? Are they so disconnected from the industry that they didn’t know this week even existed? Or that drivers may be offended by talks during this special week about the technology that may one day cost them their jobs?

To get some idea of where drivers rank, let’s look at who will be testifying before the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee .

  • Chris Spear, president of the American Trucking Associations. Big fleets with tremendous turnover. Got it.
  • Representatives of autonomous technology. Bet they won’t be talking about all their warts and problems with the AV tech.
  • Cathy Chase with Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety. Probably will be taking some shots at the AV shortcomings.

That’s it.

Anyone see who is not at the table? Truck drivers. The people being celebrated the week during which the hearing is being held. The people whom this technology will replace. The people who will have to navigate the roads with this sketchy technology threatening their safety, and in some states already are.

Truckers clearly are not the priority of this hearing. There’s no other possible explanation. The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee isn’t really even trying to hide it by throwing at least one trucker on the panel to pat on the head.

Todd Spencer, president of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, which is the only Association 100% committed to representing truck drivers, put it best:

“Mega carriers can hardly wait to replace millions of American truck driving jobs with autonomous trucks in order to save a buck. The fact that the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee would hold a hearing to highlight autonomous trucks in the middle of National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is a kick in the teeth to the hardworking men and women behind the wheel who keep America’s supply chain running every day.”

We cannot let such a galling move as this hearing go unnoticed and unchecked. Those behind it likely won’t bat an eye, much less apologize.


That’s another word I want to add to the list. Make no mistake: Lawmakers work for us, and this committee especially works for truckers. Its members would be well served ahead of the next election to remember that. LL

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