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Reporter’s notebook: The story behind the story of OOIDA’s beginnings

There’s an old saw in the journalism business that every story you write is really three stories: The story you think you’re going to write, the story you end up writing, and the story that you wish you’d written but couldn’t quite get. It’s that last story we want to share with you.


Failing the grade

Railroads put the blame squarely on truckers for crashes involving trucks and trains, but a railroad expert and investigator says truckers have more rights than they are led to believe. They just need to know where to look.


Arrow Trucking drivers wake to nightmare before Christmas

Tulsa-based Arrow Trucking abruptly went out of business just days before Christmas, stranding more than 1,400 drivers across the nation.

Analysis, News

DAT SOLUTIONS: Spot rates edge upward to start May

Load posts on DAT MembersEdge were up another 1 percent last week, though there was a much bigger jump in reefer load posts now that we’re in produce season. Truck posts fell 1 percent, which pushed load-to-truck ratios higher for each trailer type. Rates for all three equipment types responded, too, moving higher compared to […]

Elections, News, State

Maine, Florida, Oregon voters decide on tax increases, issuing bonds

Voters in Florida and Oregon decided this week whether to make it more difficult for state legislators to enact tax increases. Elsewhere, Maine voters decided whether to tap bonds for road and bridge work. Maine Question 3 Voters in Maine gave the go-ahead this week once again to tap millions in bonds for transportation uses. […]