The Latest


In-cab warning devices now required for certain commercial vehicles in British Columbia

A mandate for in-cab warning devices on trucks with dump boxes is in effect in British Columbia. Here’s what you need to know to stay compliant.

News, State

Second bird flu emergency declared in Iowa

Bird flu emergencies are now in effect for two Iowa counties after cases were confirmed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Federal, News

FMCSA plans public listening session on safety fitness determination

Later this month, FMCSA plans to host an in-person listening session regarding safety fitness determinations for motor carriers.

News, State, Truck Parking

Connecticut turns to technology to address truck parking

UConn researchers are developing a truck parking app with the Connecticut DOT that they hope will expand beyond state lines.

News, State

Towing reform pursuits reach finish line in four states

Unfair towing and booting practices of commercial vehicles are the focus of new laws soon to take effect in four states.

News, State, Tolls

Congestion pricing in New York City paused ‘indefinitely’

Just weeks before New York City was set to collect congestion pricing tolls, the governor has ordered the city to halt the program.

Federal, News

Senator questions lack of charging stations for electric vehicles

One complaint about the administration’s efforts to move the nation to electric vehicles is that the charging infrastructure is not in place.


Port of Baltimore channel access expanded

The limited access at the Port of Baltimore has been expanded to 400 feet wide, with a full reopening targeted for later this week.

News, State, Truck Parking

Truck parking is focus of new laws in multiple states

Lawmakers in multiple statehouses approve action that is intended to address concern about a lack of adequate truck parking.

Crime & Courts, News, Safety & Security

High-value cargo theft on the rise

The number of high-value cargo theft incidents is on the rise. Here’s the expensive cargo that thieves are targeting.