FMCSA launches 2024’s Operation Protect Your Move

May 20, 2024

Land Line Staff


The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is continuing efforts to protect the public from scams involving household goods and brokers.

On Monday, May 20, the agency announced the launch of Operation Protect Your Move, which aims to address complaints about household goods moving companies and broker compliance. FMCSA conducted a similar initiative last spring and discovered more than 1,000 violations of FMCSA regulations.

“Americans deserve a fair deal when they move into a new home – and we’re cracking down on moving companies that hold people’s possessions hostage,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a news release. “This initiative will build on last year’s progress holding scammers accountable and is another example of the measures the Biden administration is taking to better protect consumers.”

As part of last year’s initiative, FMCSA issued letters of probable violation or revoked companies’ operating authority.

FMCSA said the U.S. Department of Justice also filed a civil penalty enforcement case resulting from the 2023 operation. That case is pending in federal court in California.

“We take our consumer protection role seriously and aim to help educate and protect those who may be moving their household goods from one state to another,” FMCSA acting Deputy Administrator Sue Lawless said. “We are committed to this work, and we are putting forth even more resources to make a greater impact, including increasing the number of HHG investigators on staff and establishing additional partnerships with state attorneys general offices.”

This year’s Operation Protect Your Move will target movers and brokers across the country with the most consumer complaints.

FMCSA encourages consumers to research and plan before moving across state lines by using the agency’s free online resources, including:

FMCSA encourages victims of fraud to use the National Consumer Complaint Database.

Additional efforts to prevent fraud

Although this operation focuses on scams involving movers, FMCSA also has plans to tackle other types of fraud in the trucking industry.

In March, FMCSA informed the Transportation Intermediaries Association that it granted a petition regarding training requirements for brokers and freight forwarders.

TIA petitioned the agency last June for a rulemaking to implement and enforce existing provisions related to experience and training requirements for brokers and freight forwarders to enter the marketplace.

In 2023, FMCSA granted a petition from the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association to address the lack of broker transparency. FMCSA is scheduled to start a rulemaking in October. LL