New Jersey seeks input on truck parking from drivers

May 23, 2024

Land Line Staff


Truckers of all types who drive in New Jersey are encouraged to participate in a truck parking survey as a way to help solve the Garden State’s parking issues.

The New Jersey Department of Transportation is seeking feedback on how to improve truck parking throughout the state. The agency is asking truckers to spend a few minutes taking a survey detailing their parking experiences and what they feel the state needs to do to make the situation better.

There are two surveys available: one for short-haul drivers and a separate survey for long-haul drivers. To access the surveys, click here.

The long-haul survey is primarily for drivers who park in New Jersey overnight, whereas the short-haul survey deals with parking for staging or daytime breaks, e.g. drayage and delivery drivers who mostly park during the day. Truckers can take both surveys if their operations experience both short-term and overnight parking.

Although the truck parking survey is designed for drivers, all industry stakeholders are welcome to participate.

All survey responses will be anonymous.

New Jersey’s truck parking survey goes beyond identifying where parking is needed. The survey also asks truckers how they feel about paid parking, street parking, parking technologies and which amenities they look for.

Truck parking is included in New Jersey’s 2023 Statewide Freight Plan. NJDOT is partnering with federal agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, regional coalitions and private sector stakeholders to develop an actionable plan that can find available funding sources to improve the availability and quality of statewide truck parking.

In 2021, NJDOT addressed the NIMBY issue that has hindered progress at the local level. The state developed a two-page “Truck Parking Primer” to educate county and municipal decision-makers. The document explains why truck parking is important and how parking projects benefit the local economy.

Currently, there is one bill in the New Jersey Assembly specific to truck parking. Introduced by Assemblyman Sterley Stanley, D-Middlesex, A3370 addresses truck parking for proposed warehouse developments. Specifically, the bill would require applications for large warehouse developments to provide “an adequate number of onsite parking spaces” for trucks as a condition of preliminary site plan approval. LL