The Easter Bunny isn’t real but the ELD enforcement date is

March 29, 2018

Wendy Parker


April 1, 2018

This just in:  Mary Ellen Kozyneck of Great Expectations, N.Y., reports being “run clean off the road,” by a “giant bunny driving an egg truck.”

A formally lodged complaint to the FMCSA followed sobriety tests. Sources close to no one in particular state that Mrs. Kozyneck’s concern isn’t the first the federal agency received regarding the marauding rabbit.

A strictly confidential interview, based upon conditions her name not be released, was obtained by reporting agencies.  (Mrs. Kozyneck will further be referred to as “Nancy,” because ethical news matters.)

“Nancy” relates, “I was minding my own business, coming back from WalGet with plastic Easter grass for the kid’s baskets. All of the sudden, outta nowhere, comes this crazy rabbit, driving an egg truck. He was swervin’ all over the road, blowin’ his train horns, and screaming about running out of hours. It was terrifying.”

Further investigation into completely irrelevant data reveals as many as 50 possible complaints lodged between the hours of 11 p.m. on March 31, and 5 a.m. April 1. Geographical report locations range from Alabama to Arkansas, and possibly further into the alphabet, but only the first page is available free on Wikidocs.

Can we surmise from these reports that enforcement of the ELD mandate has caused the Easter Bunny to run like a maniac this year?

Of course we can, by using vague, all-encompassing phrases like, “in theory,” or “based on extrapolated data.” Any of that sound familiar?

Here’s what’s real.

Hard enforcement of the ELD mandate begins April 1, and that’s not an April Fool’s joke.

If you don’t have one, you are subject to a 10-hour shut down, and fines. If you have one, you need to be using it to the best of the functionality available. More problems will arise with systems as the influx of new users continues. Follow the rules and run compliant. Make notations about problems, carry your back up logs.

OOIDA has not given up the fight to alleviate this mandate. No one is telling you to give it up. We all know the issues with it. It’s much better to document, document, document and have paper to show the FMCSA when they ask questions. Give them the “data” they cherish so much. Showing them on paper is irrefutable evidence they cannot ignore.

In the meantime, watch out for that rabbit. He’s a maniac