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Features, OOIDA Member

Hansen sets great example for grandson

OOIDA life member Idella Hansen was honored with the Citizen Driver Award on May 20, 2017, in North Little Rock, Ark.

Features, OOIDA Member

Me and Muggsy: Macaw serves as trucker’s highway companion

Larry Leckrone gets lots of attention as he travels the highways, thanks to his vintage Kenworth C523 and his 36-year-old macaw named Muggsy.

Federal, News

OOIDA asks Chao to include truckers on automation committee

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association is asking Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao to reopen the nominating process for a federal committee tasked with addressing automation within the transportation industry. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s federal advisory committee on automation has 25 members from the realms of manufacturing, politics, education, retail, insurance and Silicon Valley. But […]


Driver-facing cameras: There’s a downside for carriers

The entire trucking industry is stampeding to driver-facing cameras, right? Maybe not.


New gadgets move us closer to a world of ‘RoboTruckers’

The latest gadgets for drivers have vests that track heart rates, driver-facing cameras that monitor their eyes, and GPS-activated jeans that tell them which way to turn. Staff Writer Mark Schremmer asks if it’s gone too far.


Reminder – In New Zealand, even dogs get on-road driver training

The return of a viral video from a few years back showing dogs driving cars by themselves is surreal reminder that FMCSA’s driver training statute, while a step in the right direction, is still woefully inadequate.

Truck Parking

Trucker’s ‘oasis’ proposal in British Columbia withdrawn

A “trucker’s oasis” in Surrey, British Columbia, has been killed. The company has withdrawn its application for the 77-acre truck parking facility.


New ATA honcho calls speed limiter mandate ‘flawed’

You already know OOIDA staunchly opposes a speed limiter mandate, but now the new head of the American Trucking Associations has issued a statement calling the plan “flawed” and saying the lobbying group won’t support the proposal as it is written.

Features, OOIDA Member

DOT official’s day in the cab an eye-opening experience

Truckers and the people who regulate them don’t always have to have an adversarial relationship. A recent ride-along between OOIDA Life Member Tilden Curl and a transportation department official in his home state of Washington proved illuminating for both parties.


OOIDA prez remembers Pvt. Presley

This week, media outlets have tributes and everyone who ever met Elvis has a story. The King of Rock and Roll died on Aug. 16, 1977, at his Graceland home in Memphis. OOIDA’s president has one, too. In response to a longtime member who has asked for Jim Johnston’s Elvis story, here it is.