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News, State

Bus association asks for a free pass from California break laws

The American Bus Association wants the FMCSA to add commercial bus drivers to the list of drivers exempt from California’s meal and rest break rules.

Federal, OOIDA

OOIDA says self-employed drivers shouldn’t need to file a job application

OOIDA has submitted comments about a proposed rulemaking regarding FMCSA requiring prospective owner-operators to fill out an employment application.

Crime & Courts

Petition asks prosecutor drop charges against truck drivers hauling hemp

Starting on Sunday, more than 1,900 have signed a petition asking the Ada County, Ore., prosecutor to clear the names of three hemp-hauling truck drivers.

News, State

Colorado legislators delay transportation bond vote

Colorado state lawmakers have approved legislation to delay a public vote on whether to tap $2.3 billion in bonds to pay for transportation work.

Crime & Courts

Court sides with U.S. Xpress on California meal, rest break laws

In a challenge of California’s break laws, a federal court sided with U.S. Xpress, saying it lacked authority to review the merits of FMCSA’s pre-emption.

News, OOIDA, Tolls

OOIDA sends South Carolina senator letter opposing toll bill

Less than one month after South Carolina introduced wide-ranging toll legislation, OOIDA has sent a letter of opposition to the senator behind the bill.

Today's Show

Bridge commission reform moves ahead in Pennsylvania

A renewed effort in the Pennsylvania statehouse to clear up inconsistencies in laws governing operation of the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission continues to make progress toward passage.


A hash brown v. state of Connecticut

Sometimes, a hash brown is just a hash brown. Other times, it is behind the making of an unsung hero fighting for justice.

Today's Show

Another chance to Truck to Success

Earlier this year, OOIDA’s live seminar, “Truck to Success,” brought in rave reviews from participants. Now, the Association will offer the class again.

Equipment, News

VetStar program offers down payment help for new Western Star

Through the VetStar Military Appreciation Finance Program, Daimler Truck Financial and Western Star Trucks offer help on a down payment for a new truck.