Don’t miss the next ‘Live From Exit 24’

June 24, 2021

Land Line Staff


“Live From Exit 24” turns its attention to the injunction on enforcement of California’s AB5 bill as well as the PRO Act in the next broadcast.

Every other Wednesday, “Live From Exit 24” – OOIDA’s live, hourlong internet talk show – brings listeners insightful discussions on the regulatory and legislative issues that matter to truckers.

Give us your thoughts. Call 317-67-OOIDA (317-676-6432) at 11 a.m. Central time on June 30, to be a part of the next “Live From Exit 24.”

Host Mike Matousek will be joined by OOIDA Director of Legislative Affairs Bryce Mongeon and Paul Cullen Jr. from the Cullen Law Firm to offer their expertise and answer any questions on the matter.

Listeners can tune in to the show on the “Live From Exit 24” website, OOIDA Facebook page or on OOIDA’s YouTube channel.

Past episodes of are archived on the show’s website.

During the June 16 “Live From Exit 24,” proposed highway bills were dissected and explained by OOIDA President Todd Spencer, OOIDA Executive Vice President Lewie Pugh and OOIDA Director of Government Affairs Collin Long.

“For truckers it’s important because the bill provides funds for roads and sets policy for the trucking industry for a period of time,” Long said. “This is our opportunity to have pro-trucker policies put in place. We want to make as many good things stick and prevent as many bad things from happening.”

The conversation touched on truck parking, tolling, safety, hours of service, minimum insurance rates and more.

“There was a lot of stuff in it (the House highway bill) we didn’t care for, including bumping minimum insurance rates,” Spencer said. “This would really create an economic hurdle for many small businesses. The highlight from our perspective is a significant amount of money was set aside specifically for truck parking. If you have all these demands, you have to accommodate for the trucks that are going to help meet those needs.”

From the perspective of someone who spent decades driving the Interstate 95 corridor, Pugh said he’s pleased with the truck parking proposal, but there’s much more to be done.

“The parking is a good thing,” he said. “But if I was still out on the road I would be thinking when is this ever going to end? When are they going to do the right thing as far as infrastructure so my truck isn’t being destroyed as I bounce down the highway? They need to come up with a fair and equitable method of raising funds.”

There’s still time for changes to the proposed legislation, Long said.

OOIDA encourages you to contact your representatives and let your voice be heard.

 ‘Live From Exit 24’ survey

“Live From Exit 24” launched as a way to expand OOIDA’s communication with members and to hear directly from drivers across the industry.

OOIDA is asking for truck drivers to fill out a survey to let the Association know how you are liking the show so far. The survey can be found here. LL