Truck parking: Infrastructure bill offers a solution

December 6, 2021


Land Line Now, Dec. 6, 2021.

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The new infrastructure bill offers all kinds of opportunities, including the possibility of states upgrading or creating more truck parking.

truck parking

I. Today’s news with Scott Thompson

Three safety groups and the Teamsters union are arguing that the new hours-of-service rule makes truck driving more dangerous. A new survey tells us what has owner-operators most worried when it comes to worker classification laws. And she did what on a plane?!?

II. Yesterday’s care package recipients, today’s truck drivers

Paul Chambers is one of the troops who received a care package from OOIDA while in the service. Now, he’s back in the states, an OOIDA member, and working as a truck driver. We’ll also hear about how the Veterans Community Project helps homeless veterans.

III. A look at the supply chain crisis

The supply chain crisis is bad for just about everyone, but something good may be coming out of it. The latest issue of Land Line Magazine dives into that with its cover story, “Supply and Demands.” Mark Schremmer and Greg Grisolano stop by to tell us how the supply chain problems have given groups like OOIDA a chance to talk about the treatment of drivers and how that’s exacerbated the crisis.

IV. Truck parking could benefit from infrastructure bill

The new infrastructure bill offers all kinds of opportunities – including the possibility of states using some of the money to create more truck parking or upgrading parking that now exists.

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