Truck parking effort pushes ahead

November 30, 2021


Land Line Now, Nov. 30, 2021.

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OOIDA continues to push the U.S. Department of Transportation to spend money from the infrastructure bill to pave more truck parking.

FHWA wants to hear truck parking

I. Today’s news with Scott Thompson

Fuel prices start a new trend after weeks of increases. The Federal Trade Commission wants answers from the nation’s biggest retailers about the supply chain crisis. And the man who drove to the one test he probably shouldn’t have.

II. Get the paperwork you need for taxes NOW

The paperwork you need for April 15 may not be available any more on April 15. And that means now is the time to get that paperwork – and anything else you need for your taxes.

III. California eyes local road funding

Voters in two California counties could soon decide on tax questions to benefit transportation work, while an effort in Pennsylvania would put toll collectors back to work. Also, we’ll bring you some important notices from the Land Line Now Community Bulletin Board.

IV. Truck parking now, says OOIDA

OOIDA continues to push the U.S. DOT to spend money from the infrastructure bill to pave more truck parking.

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