Truck parking bill one step closer

July 18, 2022


Later this week, a bill that would pave more truck parking spaces nationwide will get its day in Congress. Meanwhile, the secretary of transportation will report to Congress on how the implementation of the infrastructure law is going.

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Later this week, a bill that would pave more truck parking spaces nationwide will get its day in Congress. Meanwhile, the secretary of transportation will report to Congress on how the implementation of the infrastructure law is going. Also, there are lots of ways you can pretty up your rig, but few things have as much impact as paint. However, you now have an option – vinyl wraps. We’ll hear from Bryan Martin of the Chrome Shop Mafia. Mark Schremmer stops by to tell us about what’s inside the new issue of Land Line Magazine, including a comprehensive look at the speed limiter mandate proposal.

Catch up on the news with Scott Thompson

This is your last chance to let FMCSA know what you think about its speed limiter mandate. A new short-term outlook from EIA has some silver linings. And the pursuit to get federal backing for truck parking may be about to turn a corner.

Paint vs. vinyl wraps

There are lots of ways you can pretty up your rig, but few things have as much impact as paint. However, whether it’s a traditional paint scheme or something more ornate, you now have an option – vinyl wraps. We’ll hear from Bryan Martin of the Chrome Shop Mafia.

Land Line Magazine preview

A new issue of Land Line Magazine is out. Senior Editor Mark Schremmer stops by to tell us about what’s inside, including the cover story which takes a comprehensive look at the speed limiter mandate proposal.

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