Push truck parking bill over finish line

September 16, 2020


Land Line Now, Sept. 16, 2020.

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The push to get a truck parking bill over the finish line continues and you can help. Plus, why freight rates continue rising at a record pace.

truck parking shortage

I. Today’s news with Terry Scruton

Hurricane Sally drenches the Gulf Coast; wildfires continue to burn out West; and two words: monkey selfie.

II. Absentee voting

Many truckers vote every election by absentee ballot, but this year, millions more may join them. And whether you are doing it the first time, or trying to cope with the rush of new ballots in the mail, a few simple tips are important.

III. Freight rates rising at record pace

Rates continue to rise at a record pace, but it’s not because of rising freight volume.

IV. Truck parking push

A bill that could solve a lot of truck parking problems is gaining traction on Capitol Hill.

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