Local emissions limits proposed

October 20, 2022


The Federal Highway Administration has proposed requiring state and local agencies to set targets to lower carbon dioxide emissions. And that has raised concerns at an organization that represents highway users.

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The Federal Highway Administration has proposed requiring state and local agencies to set targets to lower carbon dioxide emissions. And that has raised concerns at an organization that represents highway users. Also, a century-old bridge that was once a prominent crossing from the U.S. into Canada for truck drivers has since caused a huge detour. We’ll hear from the Maine DOT about the weight restrictions and an update on construction of the new bridge. And a new law in California is designed to speed up projects in mass transit and other areas that are intended to reduce travel on the state’s highways.

Catch up on the news with Scott Thompson

Turnover at private fleets is getting worse. Thick fog leads to a chain reaction crash involving dozens of vehicles. And the dump truck driver that had one job – and didn’t accomplish it.

New international bridge

A century-old bridge that was once a prominent crossing from the U.S. into Canada for truck drivers has since caused a huge detour. We’ll hear from the Maine DOT about the weight restrictions and an update on construction of the new bridge.

California tries to keep more cars off highways

A new law in California is designed to speed up projects in mass transit and other areas that are intended to reduce travel on the state’s highways. Meanwhile, a refundable income tax credit for each person in a low-income household without a vehicle will not be happening in California as planned after a veto by the state’s governor.

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