Hours-of-service waiver extended again

December 2, 2021


Land Line Now, Dec. 2, 2021.

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The FMCSA has extended its pandemic-related, emergency hours-of-service waiver, as well as CDL and medical card waivers, into next year.

hours-of-service exemption from the hours of service changes fmcsa, issues, hours of service

I. Today’s news with Scott Thompson

What the latest move to avoid a government shutdown means for you. The U.S. DOT extends a grace period of sorts for drug and alcohol testing. And fans of a holiday classic now have a chance to spend a night inside the home where all the action took place.

II. Hours-of-service waiver extended through February

The FMCSA has extended its pandemic emergency hours-of-service waiver through the end of February, as well as CDL and medical card waivers. Also, a vaccine deadline is set for truckers who cross the border. And the FTC launches a supply chain investigation.

III. Haven’t paid your tolls? Watch out in New Jersey

New Jersey lawmakers want to collect millions in tolls unpaid by out-of-state drivers every year, while the Washington state Supreme Court says the governor’s line item veto of transit funding went too far.

IV. Who will lead the Transportation Committee next?

Now that Peter DeFazio says he will not seek re-election, who will take the top job at the powerful House Transportation Committee – and what does that mean for truck drivers? And we’ll explain what the government is doing in response to the Omicron variant of COVID-19.

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