Hauling safely around protests

May 28, 2020


Land Line Now, May 28, 2020.

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What should you do if you are hauling into an area with protests? We’ll have some advice. Also, what’s next for the changes to the hours of service?


I. Today’s news with Terry Scruton

Public protests block traffic and create a reminder for truck drivers; tolls will soon be on the rise in New Jersey; and wait – what did that stoplight just say to me? It’s today’s news in trucking.

II. The latest on hours-of-service changes

The recent changes to the hours of service officially publish on Monday. Also, opposition to automated vehicles.

III. Absentee voting rules change

More than 20 states have revised absentee voting rules in response to the coronavirus pandemic, while South Dakota extends CDL renewals.

IV. Protests prompt safety concerns

What you should do if you are hauling into an area with civil unrest; also, nine senators want the president to allow temporarily, work-based visas to help the economic recovery.

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