Freight rates and winter weather

December 29, 2021


Winter weather has arrived. Dean Croke of DAT tells us how that’s affecting freight rates and breaks down the latest spot market trends.

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freight rates Chain Laws 2020 winter weather
red truck on winter road

I. Today’s news with Scott Thompson

Winter weather is wreaking havoc on roadways throughout the Sierras. A trucker is carjacked, kidnapped and robbed in Atlanta. And if you’re going to steal, the IRS wants to make sure you don’t flub up your taxes.

II. Warnings vs. tickets

Getting a warning instead of a ticket can, through a kind of back door, affect your CSA, your Pre-employment Screening Program records, and other factors that have a direct impact on you and your ability to make a living. Alex Clark and David Grimes of CDL Legal will offer the straight facts and some good advice.

III. Winter weather’s effect on freight rates

Winter weather has arrived. Dean Croke of DAT tells us how that’s affecting freight rates before breaking down the latest trends and numbers in the spot market.

IV. Looking ahead at Congress in 2022

How to get something done in Congress is, to say the least, a fine art. And in recent years it’s become harder and harder. So what do we expect them to do in the coming year? What are the opportunities for getting something of benefit to truckers passed? We’ll take a look ahead.

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