Does EPA court decision affect trucking?

July 15, 2022


A court decision regarding the EPA has truckers wondering how it will affect them, emission regulations on trucks and other federal agencies. We’ll hear about that and more from Tom Crowley and Jim Jefferson of OOIDA’s Business Services Department.

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A court decision regarding the EPA has truckers wondering how it will affect them, emission regulations on trucks and other federal agencies. We’ll hear about that and more from Tom Crowley and Jim Jefferson of OOIDA’s Business Services Department. Also, keeping your truck on the straight and narrow isn’t as hard as it may seem. Mike Steiner of Michelin North America joins us to talk about keeping your truck in alignment – and why you don’t necessarily have to rely on a professional to keep it there. And many parts of the country have already experienced severe heat this summer. Marty Ellis says that creates some very specific concerns for truckers and others who have to work in the heat.

Catch up on the news with Scott Thompson

NHTSA’s rear-underride rule is now just months away from taking effect. This is your last chance to comment on FMCSA’s proposed speed limiter mandate. And two weeks, two planes landing on U.S. highways – but under very different circumstances.

Keeping things in alignment

Keeping your truck on the straight and narrow isn’t as hard as it may seem. Mike Steiner of Michelin North America joins us to talk about keeping your truck in alignment – and why you don’t necessarily have to rely on a professional to keep it there.

Take care in summer heat

Many parts of the country have already experienced severe heat this summer. And Marty Ellis says that creates some very specific concerns for truckers and others who have to work in the heat.

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