Bridge fixes in the works

January 18, 2022


The Biden administration is pulling out the checkbook, starting work on fixing the nation’s bridges with money from the infrastructure bill.

Click on the play button to hear our latest podcast.

I. Today’s news with Scott Thompson

Protests are being reported as Canada’s vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers goes into effect. As if the supply chain crisis wasn’t bad enough, thieves are now targeting containers on trains. And the seven-ton skillet that got from point A to point B thanks to a trucker.

II. The good and the bad of synthetic oils

There are advantages to going with synthetic oils. Some are related to viscosity. Others are related to fuel economy. Shawn Whitacre of Chevron breaks down synthetics and all that comes along with using them.

III. Parking and bathroom bills draw trucking support

A combination of several trucking organizations – OOIDA, the Washington Trucking Associations and the ATA – are putting their combined weight behind proposals in Washington state to improve truck parking and give truckers access to bathrooms at facilities they go to as part of their jobs.

IV. Bridge fix plan on the way

The Biden administration is pulling out the checkbook, starting work on fixing the nation’s bridges with money from the recent infrastructure bill. We’ll have the latest developments.

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