AB5, truckers await court decision

October 8, 2021


Land Line Now, Oct. 8, 2021.

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California’s controversial AB5 is waiting on a court ruling that will likely decide its fate – and the fate of thousands of owner-operators.

California AB5 Port of Los Angeles truck photo

I. Today’s news with Greg Grisolano

The Federal Highway Administration honors seven highway safety projects. A bevy of road closings across the country. And the toll booth that no one wants to go away.

II. Social media influencers

Among the weirder aspects of our modern, computer-driven society is the emergency of so-called “social media influencers” – people who advertise themselves as experts in some topic and build audiences on social media platforms. This year, Bryan Martin invited some of those influencers to the Guilty By Association Truck Show for the first time. We’ll find out how it went.

III. Parts shortage hits the Spirit

Marty Ellis has experienced something many truckers have over the past few months – the shortage of certain truck parts due to the lack of computer chips. But he’s back on the road now, fielding questions about the hours-of-service emergency order.

IV. AB5 update

Controversy continues to swirl around California’s independent contractor law, AB5. And the law is still waiting on a court decision that will likely decide its fate – and the fate of thousands of owner-operators.

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