June 2020

The drivers' perspective

Truckers, touched by COVID-19 pandemic, share their stories.


COVID-19 truckers

COVID-19: The drivers’ perspective

Land Line’s Wendy Parker shares the stories of four truck drivers and what they have gone through during the COVID-19 pandemic.


OOIDA takes aim at unscrupulous brokers

With freight rates hitting historical lows, OOIDA reached out to Congress in May, urging lawmakers to tighten transparency regulations with brokers.

oil prices

Explaining a historic collapse for oil prices

It doesn’t seem to make sense for oil prices to be negative, but that’s exactly what happened in April.

freight rates

Effects of COVID-19 downturn on the truckload rates are murky

Because of the breadth of it, the coronavirus pandemic has hit supply chains like no other disruptive event in memory.

hours of service changes

We have a final rule

A plan that was two years in the making to increase the flexibility within the FMCSA’s hours-of-service regulations was revealed on May 14.


Free mask distribution to truckers prompted by OOIDA

As of early May, the FMCSA was in the midst of distributing about 1 million masks to truckers and working on a plan to administer tests.


TSA exempts expiring TWIC cards through July

In April, the TSA announced that it was granting a temporary exemption regarding certain expiring Transportation Worker Identification Credentials.

truckers demonstration

Truckers speak out against low freight rates, ‘price gouging’

A demonstration involving dozens of truckers over the weekend in Washington, D.C., led to President Donald Trump posting about the event on Twitter.

PPP funding Congress

Bill to replenish funding for small businesses signed into law

In April, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a $484 billion relief package to replenish funding for programs aimed at helping small businesses.

economy recovery

Truckers pessimistic about quick economic turnaround from pandemic

According to a joint survey conducted by the OOIDA Foundation and ATRI, most truckers were pessimistic about freight rates improving in the near future.


U.S. trade rep says USMCA will go into effect July 1

Despite concerns from dozens of Congress members, USMCA will go into force as scheduled.

FMCSA drug violations

Rule would prevent CDLs issued for drivers with drug violations

FMCSA proposed a rule stopping state driver’s licensing agencies from issuing a CDL to people barred from driving because of drug or alcohol violations.

daylight saving time

Numerous states take steps to stay on daylight saving time

Time change twice a year is a practice that many people are tired of making. Efforts approved at multiple statehouses pursue a switch to the practice.

A-1 Towing

Charlotte-based A-1 Towing sued by state AG for price gouging

North Carolina’s attorney general is accusing A-1 Towing and its owner of engaging in price gouging during COVID-19 disaster.

variable speed limits highway safety

South Dakota OKs temporary variable speeds

A new law in South Dakota allows the state to move forward with efforts to set variable speed limits along two problematic stretches of roadway.

Tennessee left lane

With truckers in mind, Tennessee revises left lane law

To benefit truck drivers, a new law in Tennessee addresses concern about keeping the far left lane of highways and interstates open for passing vehicles.


OOIDA joins forces in support of Canadian truckers

A coalition of trucking industry groups have sent a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other Cabinet members asking for more relief for Canadian drivers.

route planning tool

Route planning web tool launched to help truckers navigate crisis

The Department of Homeland Security and the Idaho National lab rolled out a new route planning web tool to help truckers navigate through disasters.


OOIDA uses TV to address truckers’ concerns during pandemic

OOIDA spent much of April spreading the word about what truck drivers needed during the COVID-19. That included several segments on CNBC.

ooida weight exemptions

OOIDA: It’s time for weight exemptions to expire

OOIDA told the leaders of the Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration that COVID-19 weight exemptions need to end.


Supreme Court overturns Bridgegate fraud convictions

In a unanimous ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court is overturning the fraud convictions of two individuals indicted in the New Jersey Bridgegate controversy.

speeding traffic

As traffic decreases, speeding increases

Motorists are putting the pedal to the metal now that highways are opening up, according to state traffic safety officials.

GATS 2020 logo

GATS’ 2020 edition canceled because of pandemic

Citing “the same fear and uncertainties as Facebook and Major League Baseball” about the COVID-19 crisis, Randall-Reilly is pulling the plug on GATS 2020.

Crash Preventability Determination Program

At OOIDA’s request, FMCSA adds category to list of crash types

The FMCSA is restarting and expanding its Crash Preventability Determination Program. The notice published in the Federal Register on May 6.

June 2020

In This Issue:


Dave Jungeblut

Know Your Board – June 2020

OOIDA Board Member Dave Jungeblut said his experience working for GM for 13 years helped prepare him for life as an owner-operator.

scholarship winners

OOIDA scholarship winners shown meaning of sacrifice by trucking family members

Gillian Layne Benson, of Alabama, is one of the 2020 recipients of the OOIDA Mary Johnston Scholarship Fund. The winners were announced in April.

OOIDA Board of Directors

OOIDA Spring 2020 Board of Directors meeting

Like many businesses and associations, stay-at-home orders altered the way the OOIDA Board of Directors conducted the spring meeting, but they carried on virtually.

virtual vacations

Virtual vacations

COVID-19 doesn’t have to mean the end of summer travel and vacations. Check out these virtual vacations that allow you to maintain social distancing.

video call

Connect virtually with friends and family

Social distancing has forced the average American to do what truckers have always done: communicate virtually. Here are some great video call apps to use.

hero trucker

Hero or pariah?

Do you feel like a pariah when you pick up or drop off a load? Listen up: you’re no radioactive skunk, columnist John Bendel says. You truly are essential.

White House Event

Truckers’ path leads to the White House

As part of a White House event celebrating truck drivers in April, OOIDA senior member Tina Peterson was one of four truckers recognized by President Donald Trump.

poster contest

Calling all kids

Land Line Magazine is holding a Trucking in America poster contest for kids. Crack out the crayons and markers and show the truckers some love.

Jon Osburn, skipper of OOIDA's tour trailer, the Spirit of the American Trucker

OOIDA on the Road – June 2020

Jon Osburn, skipper of OOIDA’s tour trailer, the Spirit of the American Trucker, tours the Pacific Northwest before taking a break in Boise, Idaho.

Dave Sweetman, Dashboard Confidential

Dashboard Confidential – June 2020

Over the past several months, I have seen much of both the best and worst of human behavior as we all deal with the continuing saga of COVID-19.

memory lane woman in white

The woman in white

John Bendel’s hitchhiker days are long behind him, but the memories of some things he witnessed on his journeys are indelible.

Strange Things Filthy Lies

Strange Things & Filthy Lies Sanitized – June 2020

Sit right back and you’ll hear a tale of the original social distancing, tiny house innovating, CB-using ancestors of the road.

Roses & Razzberries COVID-19

Roses & Razzberries – June 2020

While we can’t give enough Razzberries to brokers and shippers who are flooding the market with cheap rates, there also are plenty of Roses to go around.


tire pressure inflation system

Inflation pressure systems keep tires healthy but need attention themselves

A flat tire anywhere on the rig can delay a trip and cut into your income.

electric trucks

Electric trucks: The next thing?

When discussing the distant future of the trucking industry, autonomous vehicles drive the conversation. But what we should be talking about right now are electric trucks.

truck products hot stuff and cool services

Hot Stuff & Cool Services – June 2020

Check out the latest truck products and services in our product showcase.


Showtime Mafia Secrets

Mafia Secrets – June 2020

They call him “Showtime” because his favorite activity is showing off trucks, cars, vans – just about anything with wheels.

Maintenance QA

Maintenance Q&A – June 2020

Keep your cab clean to avoid contamination from the coronavirus.

Road Law

Road Law – June 2020

We want to talk about what’s really important when you receive a traffic ticket or when you’re involved in any kind of traffic accident.

Tax Tips scams

Tax Tips – June 2020

During the COVID-19 economic relief efforts, we answer your questions about who will get payments, how they will get them and what loans can be used for.