Who will fight hours-of-service plan?

August 16, 2019


LLN (8/16/19) –
We’ll tell you who’s likely to fight the hours-of-service plan. Plus, we’ll have more details on the proposed hours of service changes. Also, for many truckers, storage can become a problem. However, plenty of solutions are available. One of the chief problems with lease-purchase deals is when the carrier starts to view taking money from you as the way to make a profit rather than hauling freight. And truckers who own their own rigs are concerned about expensive new federal requirements, but one issue has them more steamed than anything else.

0:00-10:10 – Newscast.

10:10-24:59 – Storage problems and solutions.

24:59 -39:14 – Lease-purchase problems; insurance minimums.

39:14-49:05 – Who will fight hours of service?

Segment 1


  • A freight cluster plan studying all modes of freight movement in the Atlanta area will be discussed at a Freight Forum. That takes place at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 22, at the HJAIA Technical Campus Building, 1255 South Loop Road, College Park, GA, 30337.
  • Jon Osburn and OOIDA’s tour truck, the Spirit of the American Trucker, are taking some time off. We’ll let you know when they’re back on the road. In the meantime, you can still join OOIDA at a discount. Just call 816-229-5791, ask for membership and mention our show for a $10 discount.
  • The FMCSA will conduct a two-hour listening session on proposed changes to the hours of service from 10 a.m. to noon Friday, Aug. 23, in room C146 in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center during the Great American Trucking Show.
  • OOIDA is kicking off a new educational series titled “Shift Into Success” at the 2019 Great American Truck Show in Dallas. The first class, covering the cost of operations, takes place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 22 in room C147 at the convention center. It’s free, and you don’t have to be an OOIDA member. For more information, call the OOIDA Foundation at 816-229-5791.
  • Learn more about the listening session and the class here: GATS 2019 features OOIDA class, FMCSA sessions, more.

Segment 2

For truckers who are handy and like to do basic repairs out on the road, or those who carry significant dunnage, storage can become a problem. However, plenty of solutions are available. Mark Reddig and our producer, Barry Spillman, will find out from Bryan Martin of the Chrome Shop Mafia.

Segment 3

One of the chief problems with lease-purchase deals is when the carrier starts to view taking money from you as the way to make a profit, rather than hauling freight. Mark Reddig talks to Adam Kleinschmidt of OOIDA’s Business Assistance Department.

Truckers who own their own rigs are looking at some of their own representatives trying to radically increase their cost of doing business. But one issue has them more steamed than anything else. Mark Reddig talks with the man who drives the Spirit of the American Trucker.

Segment 4

By now, you’ve likely heard the broad outline of the proposed hours of service changes. Mark Reddig gets a few details beyond that – and discuss the likely opposition to the entire set of proposals – with Collin Long of OOIDA’s Washington, D.C., office.