Truck drivers advisory panel talks retention

December 9, 2021


The FMCSA is finally listening to truck drivers, as an advisory committee made up of truckers offered a report on driver retention.

Click on the play button to hear our latest podcast.

FMCSA names new commercial motor vehicle driver panel members

I. Today’s news with Greg Grisolano

OOIDA’s Spencer leads a new committee in making drivers’ voices heard. The feds are uncertain about the future of fuel prices. And on the Delaware River, the toll remains the same.

II. Truck drivers to FMCSA: This is how to keep us

The FMCSA is finally listening in a very formal way to truck drivers, as an advisory committee made up of truckers offered a report on driver retention.

III. Taking aim at toll bridges

Pennsylvania lawmakers are taking a stand against a plan to toll numerous bridges across the state, while Florida works on tightening up their left lane rules.

IV. Constituents, mandates and debt ceilings

It’s become old hat to say that things are busy in our nation’s capital. But right now, in fact, our nation’s public officials are dealing with constituent concerns, vaccine mandate debates, the debt ceiling, defense spending, budget reconciliation and future standards for vehicle emissions.

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