Real progress on truck parking

July 1, 2022


It’s time to take another trip to the Parking Zone – and for once, Tyson Fisher of Land Line Magazine isn’t just cautiously optimistic about something getting done. Tyson talks about the I-81 Corridor Coalition sessions on the truck parking issue, Congress putting some pressure on the DOT to address it nationwide and more support for the Truck Parking Safety Improvement Plan.

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Tyson Fisher of Land Line Magazine talks about the I-81 Corridor Coalition sessions on truck parking; Congress putting some pressure on the DOT to address it nationwide; and more support for the Truck Parking Safety Improvement Plan. Also, to date, much of the focus on improving the diets of truck drivers is on changing their habits. But what if the focus was on making sure truckers had more and healthier options? And by now, we’re all familiar with the cry on the part of some in trucking that there’s a driver shortage. But now, some analysts are saying there may well be a driver surplus. And Marty Ellis has some thoughts on the topic.

Catch up on the news with Scott Thompson

NHTSA is moving ahead with underride crash protections. An emergency declaration on baby formula gets extended. And we’ll tell you about the invasive species of snail that may be trying to hitch a ride on your truck.

Healthier options for truckers

To date, much of the focus on improving the diets of truck drivers has come down to changing their habits. But what if the problem were approached from a different angle? What if the focus was on making sure truckers had more options? And healthier options? A new research project is taking on those questions and others. Dr. Michael Lemke of the University of Houston tells us what they’ve found so far.

Is there a driver surplus now?

By now, we’re all familiar with the cry on the part of some in trucking that there’s a driver shortage. But now, some analysts are saying there may well be a driver surplus. And Marty Ellis has some thoughts on the topic.

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