Insurance increase moves ahead

June 30, 2020


Land Line Now, June 30, 2020.

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A last-ditch effort to remove an insurance increase from the House version of the highway bill has fallen short. Now, trucking advocates are looking ahead.

insurance increase
The U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee during the markup of the proposed highway bill earlier this month. (photo by U.S. House Transportation Committee)

I. Today’s news with Terry Scruton

Navistar settles air quality violations in California; USMCA goes into effect tomorrow; and sometimes you just really need a drink – it’s today’s news in trucking.

II. Summer heat and your tires

Summer is here, and so is the heat. It’s a tire’s worst enemy, but there are things you can do to help protect them.

III. Protecting independent contractors

A new rule in Iowa means that owner-operators will keep their status as independent contractors in that state. Meanwhile, Massachusetts closes in on a transportation funding deal.

IV. Insurance increase moves ahead

A last-ditch effort to remove an insurance increase from the House version of the highway bill has fallen short. Now, trucking advocates are looking at what’s next.

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