Freight down, number of trucks up

April 13, 2022


The numbers on the load board fell last week, but the number of trucks increased. So what does that mean for those looking to haul freight? Stephen Petit of DAT brings us the latest freight trends on the spot market.

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The numbers on the load board fell last week, but the number of trucks increased. So what does that mean for those looking to haul freight? Stephen Petit of DAT brings us the latest freight trends on the spot market. Also, Marty Ellis is hearing a complaint we’ve all heard many times over the years – dispatchers telling truckers to get back on the road because they have time left on their clock, even though the trucker thinks it’s not safe. And efforts to reform police dispatched towing nationwide have focused on Maryland recently, where action has been underway in the legislature for some time.

Catch up on the news with Scott Thompson


The chorus of groups calling for an end to increased border inspections in Texas grows. The EIA says there’s too much uncertainty to provide a solid short-term energy outlook. And Florida shows it’s serious about addressing the truck parking shortage along I-4.

The problem with dispatchers

Marty Ellis is hearing a complaint we’ve all heard many times over the years – dispatchers telling truckers to get back on the road because they have time left on their clock, even though the trucker thinks it’s not safe. We’ll hear from the man who drives the Spirit of the American Trucker.

Towing reform update

Efforts to reform police dispatched towing nationwide have focused on Maryland recently, where action has been underway in the legislature for some time.

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