Can trucking switch to all electric trucks?

December 14, 2022


The American Transportation Research Institute has a new report that lays out the challenges associated with converting the nation over to a fully electric world. When it comes to the trucking industry, the strain on the power grid and the truck parking crisis from electric trucks would be immense – and that’s just the start. Jeff Short, vice president of ATRI, shares what the report turned up along with some possible solutions.

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The American Transportation Research Institute has a new report that lays out the challenges associated with converting the nation completely over electric trucks. Jeff Short, vice president of ATRI, shares what the report turned up along with some possible solutions. Also, the threat of winter storms and unpredictable schedules is impacting the MembersEdge load board. We’ll have the latest in today’s market update with Stephen Petit of DAT. And you get a call that some kind of emergency or crisis has taken place, and they need you at home. Except, as a truck driver you could be anywhere in the country. So what do you do, and how do you prepare for it?

Catch up on the news with Scott Thompson

OOIDA posts comments about the Labor Department’s worker classification efforts. An FMCSA crime prevention study turns up some alarming results. And Texas institutes another CMV inspection blitz at the border.

Winter weather and freight

The threat of winter storms and unpredictable schedules is impacting the MembersEdge load board. We’ll have the latest in today’s market update with Stephen Petit of DAT

Handling family emergencies

You get a call that some kind of emergency or crisis has taken place, and they need you at home. Except as a truck driver you could be anywhere in the country. So what do you do, and how do you prepare for it?

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