Podcast: FMCSA holds public meeting on predatory towing, healthy debate ensues

June 21, 2024


The OOIDA Foundation’s latest report backs up what you likely feel – but also offers some insight into how to make things better. Also, FMCSA is tackling predatory towing and predatory lease-purchase agreements, and that process has begun already through a set of public meetings. And OOIDA tour truck driver Marty Ellis is talking about some serious topics, including how to reinvent or rebrand yourself or your business, the importance of trust and trusting the wrong GPS.

0:00 – FMCSA holds public meeting on predatory towing, healthy debate ensues

10:14 – Latest report shows freight market still in a slump

25:09 – FMCSA tackles predatory towing, lease-purchase

40:09 – The trick to reinventing yourself

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FMCSA holds public meeting on predatory towing, healthy debate ensues

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration held a public meeting about predatory towing practices Friday morning, and a healthy debate ensued. While those representing truck drivers said protections are needed for drivers and motor carriers, those representing the towing industry countered with the concerns they have about the current way things are done. We cover both sides, along with how federal regulators feel about the status quo.

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Latest report shows freight market still in a slump

The OOIDA Foundation’s latest quarterly report backs up what you’ve likely been feeling – that the freight market remains in a rut. But a few nuggets provide insight into what it’ll take to get it out. Andrew King, assistant director of the Foundation, breaks down the latest numbers, along with a new report about just how bad and costly predatory towing has gotten.

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FMCSA tackles predatory towing, lease-purchase

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration wants to do something about predatory towing and predatory lease-purchase agreements, and that process has begun already through a set of public meetings. Mark Schremmer of Land Line Magazine joins us for a recap of what’s happened so far and what could be done in the future about both issues.

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The trick to re-inventing yourself

OOIDA tour truck driver Marty Ellis is talking about some serious topics, including how to reinvent or rebrand yourself or your business, the importance of trust and the difficulties you can run into when you trust the wrong GPS.

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