White House releases infrastructure needs for all 50 states

April 13, 2021

Tyson Fisher


In an effort to sell his American Jobs Plan infrastructure bill, President Joe Biden has issued an infrastructure report for all 50 states.

On April 12, the White House released facts sheets for each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The fact sheets highlight each state’s needs for investments that are proposed in the American Jobs Plan.

Specifically, the American Jobs Plan fact sheets reveal the number of bridges and miles of road in each state in poor condition, the percentage of households without access to broadband, the billions of dollars required for water infrastructure, and other infrastructure needs.

An analysis of the following categories is given for every state:

  • Roads and bridges
  • Public transportation
  • Resilient infrastructure
  • Drinking water
  • Housing
  • Broadband
  • Caregiving
  • Child care
  • Manufacturing
  • Home energy
  • Clean energy jobs
  • Veterans health

For example, the fact sheet for Texas notes there are 818 bridges and more than 19,400 miles of highway in poor condition. Increased commute times have cost each Texas motorist an average of $709 per year. The fact sheet then mentions that the American Jobs Plan includes $115 billion to repair roads and bridges.

Floridians may be more interested in the “Resilient Infrastructure” category. According to the fact sheet, Florida has experienced 22 extreme weather events from 2010 to 2020. Those have cost the state about $100 billion in damages. Biden’s American Jobs Plan requests $50 billion to improve resiliency of the nation’s infrastructure and support communities’ recovery from disaster.

To access the full list of fact sheets, click here.

The state-by-state fact sheets are similar to the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Infrastructure Report Card. One key difference, aside from some different categories, is that the fact sheets are specific to what the American Jobs Plan will offer. This is just the latest effort by the White House to push the plan forward. The Biden administration has already released fact sheets dealing with how the infrastructure bill addresses racial equity and rural communities. More fact sheets are expected to be released.

For more information about the American Jobs Plan, click here. LL