UCR enforcement scheduled to start July 1
Only days remain until enforcement of the 2020 Unified Carrier Registration Plan is set to begin.
In April, UCR announced that enforcement would be delayed until July 1.
“It’s an annual permit that most motor carriers are obligated to pay if you have an active DOT number regardless if you are using that DOT number or not, and it is marked interstate,” said Tamara Young, of OOIDA’s Permits and Licensing Department.
“If you have not filed the UCR by July 1 of 2020, states can start taking enforcement action.”
UCR enforcement typically begins Jan. 1, but the 2020 registration period was pushed back several months because of a delay in the approval of the fees. Then the COVID-19 pandemic pushed back the date ever further.
The fees for the UCR 2020 registration year were finalized in February.
“For the third consecutive year, those businesses subject to UCR will see a reduction in fees,” the UCR website stated. “The fee reductions for 2018-2020 are based on recommendations from the UCR Board of Directors to FMCSA following several years of higher than expected collections.”
According to the FMCSA’s final rule, the fees will be reduced by 14.45% below the 2018 registration fee level to ensure that fee revenues collected do not exceed the statutory maximum.
Registration is open and can be completed here.
The 2020 UCR fees:
Fleet size | Fee |
0-2 | $59 |
3-5 | $176 |
6-20 | 351 |
21-100 | $1,224 |
101-1,000 | $5,835 |
1,001 and above | $56,977 |
“The fees beginning with the 2021 registration year will remain at the same level as the fees for the 2020, unless there is a future adjustment,” the final rule stated.
Those with questions regarding how to file the UCR are encouraged to contact OOIDA’s Permits and Licensing Department.