Truckers invited to submit comments on Missouri’s transport projects

May 26, 2022

Tyson Fisher


Truckers driving in, out and through the Show Me State have an opportunity to shape the Missouri Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.

The Missouri Department of Transportation is accepting comments on the Missouri Statewide Transportation Improvement Program until June 17. A draft of the program and other related documents are available here.

Comments can be submitted here, via email to, by phone at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (275-6636) or by standard mail to the following address:

Transportation Planning

Program Comments

P.O. Box 270

Jefferson City, MO 65102

According to MoDOT, the state’s road and bridge systems rank among the largest for any state in the nation. Over the last 10 years, Missourians have invested in 4,300 projects totaling $11 billion to maintain and improve the system. Nearly $8 billion is estimated to be available for projects over the next five years for additional improvements. The Missouri Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan lists transportation projects planned by state and regional planning agencies for fiscal years 2023 through 2027.

“Since transportation needs greatly outweigh funding available, the challenge is determining the optimal projects to fund that provide the greatest return on investment to taxpayers,” MoDOT states in the draft plan. “Across every region of the state, feedback from Missourians has consistently prioritized maintaining the existing system as the highest priority. Other priorities include projects that improve safety and reliability, spur economic growth and provide more transportation choices.”

Although the vast majority of the projects listed in the Missouri Statewide Transportation Improvement Program merely preserve road and bridge conditions, MoDOT looks into improvement projects on the busiest corridor whenever funding allows.

Specific to the trucking industry, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act continues funding the National Highway Freight Program, which allow for the implementation of projects within the Missouri Freight Plan. That plan includes replacement of load-posted bridges, technology to improve the flow of freight, truck parking facilities, and geometric improvements to interchanges and ramps.

The bipartisan infrastructure deal also provides funding for the Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities Program, which Missouri can tap into if necessary.

Other truck-specific projects within the draft Missouri Statewide Transportation Improvement Program include:

  • Municipal River Terminal in St. Louis – Pave truck haul road to eliminate dust and improve accessibility to the terminal operations from the paved roadway network through the greater port facility.
  • Increase funding for Freight Enhancement Program from $1 million each year to $3.25 million.

Drivers who see something they do not like or do not see something they feel Missouri needs to improve truck travel can leave a comment for the Missouri Statewide Transportation Improvement Program. Provide as many details and as much factual information as possible.

For guidance on submitting comments, reach out to the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association’s Business Services at 816-229-5791. LL