Who’s getting a ticket for what?

January 16, 2020


Land Line Now, Jan. 16, 2020.

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How many trucks are inspected, and for those receiving tickets, what are they cited for? We’ll have some FMCSA figures. Also, Connecticut’s toll plan.


I. Today’s news with Terry Scruton

A trade deal is one step closer to approval, police seek a trucker for dumping, and an interstate closes for a bridge to come down – it’s what’s happening in trucking today.

II. Agency to give study another run

The FMCSA is revisiting its Large Truck Crash Causation Study. We’ll have details about that, plus other topics from this year’s Transportation Research Board meeting.

III. Truck-only toll plan advances

Connecticut officials are moving closer to passage of the governor’s plan to toll trucks only – a plan that now looks to target only the largest trucks. Also, a Virginia effort to require GPS devices in all trucks has been ended.

IV. FMCSA offers figures on tickets, citations

How many trucks are being inspected, and for those who get a ticket, what are they cited for? FMCSA released some figures this week, and we’ll have them.

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