State fights over cap-and-trade plan

March 12, 2020


Land Line Now, March 12, 2020.

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A controversial cap-and-trade plan that’s caused deep divisions in Oregon leads to another battle at the statehouse. Also, streamlining background checks.

Oregon flag cap and trade

I. Today’s news with Terry Scruton

The Mid-America Trucking Show has been canceled; states work on flooding and storm damage repairs; and the chase is on in Florida for the elusive … cow? It’s today’s news in trucking.

II. Drug rule exemptions and controversial studies

A group in the motion picture industry wants an exemption from part of the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse rules. Also, a controversial study on crashes that involve a truck.

III. Cap-and-trade battle in Oregon

A controversial cap-and-trade, emissions control measure that’s cause deep divisions in Oregon is the subject of another battle at the statehouse. Also, a bill now in Congress would provide funding to create more truck parking; and information about upcoming truck shows.

IV. Streamlining background checks

An effort to streamline the process of background checks for truckers is headed toward success. Also, the effect of the COVID-19 situation on Capitol Hill.

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