A federal document shows PHMSA wants to raise fees for hazmat haulers. But an agency official says the situation is not quite that simple. Also, a bridge called the Can Opener is creating problems for unwary truckers who try to pass under it – and the city where it’s located is trying to fix the situation.
10:22 – Another bridge takes a bite out of trucking
25:10 – PHMSA wants to avoid higher fees for small hazmat haulers
Links, email addresses, phone numbers and more information
- The EEOC is seeking women truck drivers for a virtual listening session addressing discrimination. Anyone wanting to participate must register here by Sept. 30.
- To make your views known on the PHMSA proposal to raise fees for hazmat haulers, go the Regulations.gov website.
- OOIDA tour truck driver Marty Ellis and the Spirit of the American Trucker will be at the Space Age Fuel Travel Center in Castle Rock, Wash., Aug. 27-28. That’s located at Exit 52 off Interstate 5. Stop in and join OOIDA for $35.
- It’s now even easier to contact your elected officials and stay up to date on current trucking issues. Visit OOIDA’s Fighting For Truckers website.
- You can donate to the Truckers For Troops fund all year.
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Catch up on the news with Scott Thompson
The trend of dropping diesel prices continues. Lower gas prices could contribute to busier roadways this extended holiday weekend. And the EEOC is looking into the obstacles women face throughout the trucking industry.
Another bridge takes a bite out of trucking
We’ve reported many times on so-called truck eating bridges. Recently, we learned of yet another, this one called the Can Opener, located in the town of Delaware, Ohio, just north of Columbus. But this one is a little different than the others now – it has been named as a historic site. Lee Yoakum, community affairs director for Delaware, Ohio, explains.
PHMSA wants to avoid higher fees for small hazmat haulers
Earlier this year, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration – or PHMSA – proposed a rule that would increase fees for hazmat haulers. However, that’s not the whole story – and the acting administrator at the agency says they would prefer to not raise the fees on small businesses at all. Tristan Brown, deputy administrator at PHMSA, goes over the ins and outs of the issue.