Lies, damn lies and statistics

January 28, 2019


LLN (1/25/19) – Mark Twain said there are “lies, damn lies and statistics.” Tyson Fisher has an example that’s all three. Also, we’ll tell you who in recent news has been good and who’s been bad with some Roses and Razzberries. Tolling is on the mind of America’s truckers. The government shutdown has had an effect on state governments. And safety problems crop up with loose cargo.

0:00 – 9:41 – Newscast

9:41 – 24:25 – Roses and Razzberries

24:25 – 39:22 – Lies and statistics; tolling

39:22 – 49:10 – Government shutdown; securement safety problems

Segment 1


  • The emergency declaration from the FMCSA for transporting heating fuels has been expanded to 15 states suffering from harsh winter weather. Federal regulations – including hours of service – will be temporarily waived. However, that’s only for carriers who are providing specific aspects of emergency relief. The declaration remains in effect until Feb. 2 or for the remainder of the emergency, whichever is sooner.

Segment 2

Truckers work to relieve hunger. And Georgia lawmakers want to ban trucks. Terry Scruton and Mary McKenna will tell you who in recent news has been good and who’s been bad with some Roses and Razzberries.

Segment 3

Mark Twain once said, “there are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics.” But many statistics that qualify as lies are just plain made up.  Tyson Fisher will offer up an example. Also, tolling – who’s doing it, who wants to do it, and what they think about it – is on the mind of America’s truckers. And Jon Osburn is hearing about it. Mark Reddig talks with the man who drives Spirit of the American Trucker.

Segment 4

The government shutdown is over, at least for now. But it has had an effect on many things, including state governments. Mark Reddig discusses that, plus some issues regarding loose cargo, is OOIDA Director of Safety and Security Operations Doug Morris.