How do you pass a truck parking bill?

March 10, 2020


Land Line Now, March 10, 2020.

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Truck parking is the topic of a bill now before Congress – one that would increase the number of spaces. But how do you get it through the House and Senate?

truck parking FHWA wants input

I. Today’s news with Terry Scruton

Oil prices stay at record lows for the second day in a row; Pennsylvania expands the spotted lanternfly quarantine zone; and some joyriding cops are foiled by technology – it’s today’s news in trucking.

II. Another way the scammers get you

Predatory lending companies use a number of tactics when they target trucking operations, including what’s known as a merchant cash advance, or MCA. We’ll explain what they’re doing and what you can do to avoid getting caught.

III. States target daylight saving time

In recent years, the majority of U.S. states have tried to do away with the annual switch to daylight saving time. This year is no different.

IV. Truck parking – how do you explain the problem?

And finally: A bill now before Congress will provide states money to expand the number of truck parking spaces. But how do you get something through a hyperpartisan Congress where little passes? The answer may be … you.

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