Hours of service questions answered

August 30, 2022


In trucking, some topics never seem to go away; they generate questions long after they’re settled, and often lead to confusion on the part of the truckers who have to deal with them every day. Near the top of that list of “forever topics” sits the hours of service. We’ll discuss some recent questions about that and other topics.

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In trucking, some topics never seem to go away; near the top of that list of “forever topics” sits the hours of service. We’ll discuss some recent questions about that and other topics. Also, there are advantages to going with synthetic oils. Some are related to viscosity. Others are related to fuel economy. Shawn Whitacre of Chevron joins us to break down synthetics and all that comes along with using them. And a new Michigan law is designed to pave the way for autonomous vehicle roadways in the state. Meanwhile, California is considering a plan to make deer – and other wildlife – cross roads at actual deer crossings.

Catch up on the news with Scott Thompson

A new court decision clears the way for implementation of California’s AB5 law. The average for a gallon of diesel goes up for the first time more than two months. Plus, what bid season is telling us about which lanes could be hot – and which might not next year.

Advantages of synthetic oils

There are advantages to going with synthetic oils. Some are related to viscosity. Others are related to fuel economy. Shawn Whitacre of Chevron joins us to break down synthetics and all that comes along with using them.

Paving the way for autonomous vehicles

A new Michigan law is designed to pave the way for autonomous vehicle roadways in the state. Meanwhile, California is considering a plan to make deer – and other wildlife – cross roads at actual deer crossings.

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