FMCSA nominee: Improve truckers’ working conditions

November 5, 2021


Land Line Now, Nov. 5, 2021.


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FMCSA nominee Meera Joshi told the OOIDA Board that fixing problems in trucking depends on improving working conditions for truckers.


I. Today’s news with Scott Thompson

The Secretary of Labor suggests vaccine mandates may not apply to truck drivers. The next MCSAC meeting will focus on supply chain problems and driver retention. And there are times when you probably should answer that call from an unknown number.

II. Classic trucking movies


Many of us remember the 1970s, when truckers were heroes both on the road – and on major Hollywood films. We’ll hear about some of the classic trucking movies from superfan Bryan Martin of the Chrome Shop Mafia.

III. Problems at the ports

Marty Ellis and an old friend have been getting an earful from truckers about the situation at the ports. And that includes everything from lousy chassis and stacking limits to terminal efficiency and the proposed 24-hour schedule.

IV. FMCSA nominee wants focus on helping drivers

Yesterday, the nominee to head the FMCSA – Meera Joshi – held a teleconference with the OOIDA Board of Directors to discuss trucking issues – including improving working conditions for truckers. We’ll have an overview of what was discussed.

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